"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

We had a wonderful visit with Brian’s family for Easter this year. It was our first time hosting both all of Brian’s family and a holiday. It was fun for the kids to play with there cousin Brooke and play with all their aunties and uncles from New England… and of course to see Grampy and Grammy.

Most of the crew got here in Friday and we enjoyed a pizza dinner and fun. Before they got here Grammy went with me and the kids to Milborne Orchards for their Easter events. We had a ton of fun! The kids did an easter egg hunt, went on a hayride, fed some goats, and more fun stuff. Later that night we had Christmas and birthday gift catch up time. I was so excited to give our gifts and we got some goodies too!

Saturday we played and then let Bohdan have a birthday celebration with the Hamsons. He was so excited to eat his cake and open gifts…the best part is that he gets real BIRTHDAY party tomorrow!

Saturday night most of the gang went to the O’s game and although it was COOOLLLDDD they had a really fun time. Roy was super excited to meet Boog.

Sunday morning Bohdan, Brooke and Audrey all got up and had to find their semi-hidden Easter baskets. They LOVED getting their easter goodies…and Bohdan loved eating his Easter goodies. Brian, Bohdan, Audrey and I all went to a wonderful worship service Sunday morning. Then we headed back home to start cooking for the big Easter dinner. With a little help from everyone, it was a great meal and everyone had a full, happy tummy.

Right after dinner we had a back yard Easter egg hunt for Brooke and Bohdan then back inside for a little more play time and bubble time before it was time for bath and then to bed.

Kristen, Nathan and Brooke stayed here with us so Brooke was able to sleep better and it was a great chance to hang out with them at night. We had a great time talking and playing Wii.

Enjoy this slide show of some of the fun we had!

Here are SOME of the fun things that happened that we will remember…
-Roy's shoes falling apart and Brooke and Audrey eating the pieces
-Playing Wii and seeing how good Nathan was at the shooting game
-How much fun everyone had at the ball game and how shocking the “Oh” was (in the national anthem) for all the NORTHERN folk…
-Ode to Kerry photo shoot and Brooke and Audrey photo shoot
-Audrey learning to clap while the family was here

AND SO MUCH MORE! Hamson family feel free to add some more!
ALL IN ALL it was a wonderful Easter weekend!


Unknown said...

no title on the blog post? Glad it was a fun visit. Looking forward to celebrating tomorrow.

Grammy said...

Love the pictures!! It was a great weekend, we had a lot of fun!

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