"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

oh where oh where has my little dog gone-Cana's big Adventure

Yesterday morning I woke up from a not so full night's sleep. Audrey was sleeping in after waking up 4 times to nurse, however Bohdan who ironically slept like a baby all night was up and at'em (say it right), in the morning, thus, as was I...Cana was up and down the stairs many times and finally asked to go outside at about 10:30. Audrey was starting to stir, Bohdan was needing me every 2 minutes for anything and everything. I was trying to clean up the house or as I like to say, read it up. Bohdan had Speech and OT coming by 12:30. Audrey did wake up around 11am and was ready to eat again, in fact we didn't make it back down until 11:30. At this time it dawned on me, all this time and I never heard Cana ask to come back inside. Which is odd because it was so cold and she normally only likes to out there a few minutes. So I went out there...called her name...no cana...went inside...I thought to myself, self, did you let her in already? I called and called inside...looked in every room. Bodhan who mind you is in a t-shirt, sweat shirt, and socks...thats it, is following me everywhere (even outside :/) also calling, "A-NAH", but, NO CANA...I went outside again, not sure why, but I did. Still I couldn't find her. I inspected the fence, it all looked normal, and the front door had never been open since Brian left for work earlier that morning. I call Brian, as if he can do anything from NorthBay. He tells me to get in the car and drive around looking for her, mind you time is getting tight before speech and OT. I go to get Bohdan's lunch packed up and I hear the neighbor's dog barking and I think...maybe...so I go out and there's Cana there on the outside of the fence...how in the world...I got her in but now have NO time before Bohdan's Therapists and OF COURSE Cana had rolled in, well, you know what...WHY DO DOGS DO THAT!!!!!! so I put her in the bathroom (which was fitting given what she smelled like). We move on with the day.

Later that night Brian takes Cana outside and is out there with her to make sure she stays in the fence...and wouldn't you know it, she sees a dog and off she goes...just like a Tom and Jerry show...through a loose post in the fence. She pushes it out of the way and it fell right back into place afterwards as if nothing happened. Brian took off after her and after getting to the END of the road, she FINALLY came back to him. Brian did fix the fence and then it was in the tub for Cana. Now she is clean and bound to the back yard again...I think.

So there's Cana in the picture, and do you see her little friend Lady Bug on the other side of the fence? Good grief!


Unknown said...

What a bad little doggy.

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