"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Audrey in the wee hours

So the other morning Audrey woke up at 6:15 and was up for the day. So what else to do but have a early photo shoot. Bohdan got in there too. So enjoy the Audrey slide show.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE every single picture!!! She's pretty chipper for being up so early! And she looks so grown up sitting in that little chair, haha. Kisses & hugs!!

Unknown said...

Very super great. (as Ash would say.) Seriously, they are great pictures. Love the close up of Aud's hands and feet and the first one of her looking up in b&w. All of them are great though. The lighting was sweet then. She should get up early more often for picture time.

Kristen said...

I finally signed up to be able to comment! YAY! I love those pictures!! Kelly is right that one of her looking up in b&w is adorable...you got some really good ones. She DOES look so grown up in that chair, sitting all by herself. And that is the first time I've seen her top teeth! Too cute. I swear, when I look at her eyes, I see Brian looking back at me :)

Melissa said...

i love the ones by the window with the natural light.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures, esp in the booster chair with the cheerios..what a little doll!A great smile!

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