"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Audrey Rose update

Our sweet girl, here’s whats been going on!
Audrey has been growing like a weed! She has now surpassed the 20 lb. mark and is well on her way to 21 lbs.
She has 4 teeth now, which if you’re not careful you will feel on your fingers when giving her a little bite of some food. She often gives Bohdan a little bite when he feeds her snacks, which he loves doing. I can’t help but think of Charlie and his big brother. If you don’t know what or who I am talking about you can check it out here...

Audrey Rose starting sitting up Jan. 18th. She only sat with help before then, but all of a sudden she started sitting up with no help like she had done so her whole life. In fact it was while opening gifts with Grammy and Grampy. They were like, “hey when did she start sitting up?” And we were like, “kind of right now!” Now she is sitting up and playing with all her toys and loving her new view of Bohdan and Curly Sue.
On a sad note Audrey has been sick since the week after Christmas. We have gone to the doctor many times and still poor girl is so sick.

Here are a few of Audrey Rose’s favorite things…
Bath time and the warm towels we give her after, watching Bodhan and Curly Sue dance for her, watching the Wiggles, eating finger food, giving hugs-she is SUCH a cuttle bug, sucking her two middle fingers, her taggie blanket, babytime and family time at the Perryville library, trying to talk, giving daddy eyes, watching mommy dance and sing in front of her, playing peek-a-boo, reading books, playing with her tea set from Aunt Kelly...and there are a handful of more things she loves to do. She is a very happy baby most of the time, and is nice to everyone and very generous with her smiles…such sweet smiles!

Here are a few things she doesn’t like…
Baby food peaches (oh the faces), being cold after bath time, when she can’t see mommy, being hungry, to not be played with, the cold weather (totally with her on that one), When mommy stops singing and dancing, getting her nose wiped/sucked out, her eye medicine, when her toys are just out of her reach…crawl already! I know there are more things she doesn’t like…but she is such a good girl Brian and I are having trouble thinking about things she dislikes. That’s a good thing!


Unknown said...

Nobody likes getting their nose sucked out...I mean, can you blame her? You didn't mention anything about Cana...what does she think of Cana and Cana's kisses?

Erin said...

yea, it seems terrible. She loves Cana, pulling out her fur is her favorite thing to do with her...and the kisses, not too much a fan of them, but Cana doesn't kiss us like she kisses EVERYONE else. So Audrey is left alone MOST of the time.

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