"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

3's A Charm!

Bohdan turned 3 years old on Saturday. We had a wonderful birthday picnic for him at the Perryville Park to celebrate. His aunties and their families came to help in the celebration as well as a few special friends. Aunt Kelly couldn’t talk very much…but she rallied and came as well.

Bohdan woke up in his toddler bed to find mommy and daddy singing to him…a bit much…maybe a little less next time. He also found his door all decorated with happy birthday streamers, which became more and more fun throughout the day!

Mommy did some running around then it was off to the park for the picnic party! The weather was AWESOME! Everyone played in the grass, with bats and ball, bubbles and lots of running around. We headed to the play ground for a little monkey bars and slide action.

After that it was back to the table to eat cake and open gifts. Bohdan loved every minute of the cake! The candles were a little hard to light with all the wind, but Bohdan was fine with blowing them out over and over. Boh ate his cake or at least the icing off his cake then we caught him going for more, which can be seen on the slide show.

When it was time for the gifts, Bohdan insisted in putting on every new piece of clothing he got…all at one time…so he was wearing 4 shirts, we cut him off when he got a pair of shorts. Finally he settled with Aunt Kelly’s new “3s a charm” shirt she got him.

Everyone stayed and played a long time since it was just such a nice day. Some people went down to the water for a while, me not being one of them , I’m not sure what they did there, but they were there a LONG time, so it MUST have been fun!
We had dinner and Bohdan got to eat off of the “you are special” plate!

When it was time to go we said good bye and went home (Aunt Megan came too to drop off a new train table for Bohdan!). Brian and I spent all night setting up Bohdan’s NEW BED! Which he loves! Check it out in the slide show! The kids were with us most of the time as we put it together…as the night got a little later we put a show on for them, but when the bed was ready we went down to get them…and Bohdan was plum tuckered out! Miss Audrey was awake OF COURSE, but not Boh-z boy! He did wake up to see his new super cool bed!

So when all is said in done…it was a super fun…super special day. Our sweet Bohdan turned 3 years old. He is getting to be SUCH a big boy. We remember seeing him for the first time…so little, so in need, and now here he is…OUR boy…our 3 year old boy…in his new big boy bed.


Unknown said...

Sweet pictures! Gonna have to get some of those for myself. And, the new bed rocks. Love little Boh all tuckered out on the couch. He's so darn skinny--he needs to eat more birthday cake, I think.

Grammy said...

What a nice story! I got a little teary-eyed. Looks like the party was a lot of fun, I wish the weather had been like that when we were there. All the pictures are adorable, nice to see all the good looking cousins too! And I see Audrey was sportin' her pony tail for the occasion. Adorable outfit too! Umm, do they make adult beds like that?? So cool!

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