"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

…He shall let go my captives…Isaiah 45:13

Today had a rocky start…

I woke up when Brian got up and turned off the alarm and though I would feed Audrey. She was playing so well next to me in bed that I just dozed for a while. I knew I still had plenty of time to make it to church by 10:45. Church is about 25 min.s away. You see I had infant nursery duty today. I am a room leader. Actually Brian and I are both the room leaders, but he had to work today and I thought I would just do this on my own. To be honest Brian working today is the first step to my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad morning.
So, I woke up and realized I dozed slightly longer then I wanted but no biggie, I still had enough time. I was now in a little bit of a rush but I knew it was still do-able.

It was Bohdan who actually woke me up. He was very upset that he was awake and I had not come to get him. He normally wakes up and plays in his room, until Brian or I open his door and start the day, which is typically between 8-9am-ish.

So I go to get Bohdan out of his room, and I am thinking about what I was going to dress both kids in today, what will I wear, is it really cold out today… I got to the door, put my hand on the handle and nothing moved. Now Bohdan hears me on the other side of the door and is ticked off that I am up and not opening the door. Little does he know I am trying…hard…I am confused because we have a knob cover on the other side of the door but somehow that little boy managed to LOCK THE DOOR, remember Brian is at work. So I go down stairs to Brian’s tools. To make a long story not too long, after about 10 tools and 30 mins. Bohdan was out, my captive free. He poor kid had been sobbing, red face, swollen eyes, the whole sad looking deal…I open the door and he comes out to get a hug…still crying. While getting his hug he spots all the tools, stops crying immediately and wants to try to fix things. All this in a matter of 15-30 seconds.

So this is good, however we were ALL still in PJs, Audrey who had played the whole time had fallen asleep for her am nap, and we were now very late. I rushed and got everyone dressed and in the car, which in its self was crazy. No breakfast for Bohdan and I, but we were getting to church. I had Brian call church to let them know I would be late to nursery duty, and off we went. As I got into the car I realized 1-I had grease all over my hands from the inside of the handle, 2-I forgot to put poor Audrey’s socks on 3-I didn’t have my wallet and 4-I realized that I had not brushed my hair OR my teeth. I did get D.O. on.

I get to church and actually got a WONDERFUL spot. I was planning on parking on the reserved for elderly spots since they are never filled, and I have 2 kids (sometimes more) with me and I am all alone. But someone was pulling out and I got a normal person spot.

I went upstairs quickly, which with a 16lb. baby in a 10lb. carrier and a 2.5 year old is hard to do and leaves one quite out of breath. I made it to the infants room only to find out that I was on the schedule for the FIRST SERVICE!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!

As it turns out the first service had only one baby in the infants room, so it was fine that I came during the second service where there were 5 babies. There was another lady who was in there today so it was fine that Brian was working. Bohdan went right into his toddler nursery and they changed him and fed him for me (since he had gotten neither fed nor changed at home).

In the end, Audrey fell asleep in the car seat before we even got in the car to go home, Bohdan had a tootsie roll and was very pleased with that, and I took a deep breath and got us all home, where Bohdan and I ate lunch and Audrey slept.

So a hard start to what I hope will be a good day.


Nancy said...

Awww, you really DID have a terrible, horrible, very bad, no good day!!! Poor Bohdy .... and poor you! Good girl Audrey!

Unknown said...

Oh my. Just reading about it stresses me out. I gotta go make myself a hot drink now and try to relax.

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