"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Day 11-the best so far!


Day 11 WAS A HIT! You gotta love those silly Chinese toys! We all loved it actually. The family played with it for a long time. It was this metal wind up toy frog. After you wind it up it hops all over. Cana thought it might be real at first and had to check it out AND get this, Bohdan saw it start to jump and said "NEAT!" He rarely says words like that. He laughed and laughed, which made Brian and I laugh and laugh, which in turn made Audrey's day that we all were...laughing and laughing. We had the frog jump on the floor, on the coffee table, on the chair, on our hands. We finally put it away and went in the other room and when I came back into the living room there it was again! I couldn't go without a quick kiss to see if it would turn into a price, there was no prince. I have decided even if every other toy in the advent calendar was a flop, which has not been the case, but IF IT WAS...this gift made the whole thing worth my mom's effort.

On another note...for the 3rd day in a row, Audrey has been quite the night owl...tonight she finally faded at about 11pm...man oh man, were we ready for her to fall asleep. At least she is a happy baby until 11pm, if we are in sight that is.

also, I am trying a new way to show a slide show, so if it doesn't work, sorry and I will work on it tomorrow.


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