"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

A few shots of March

Here are a few snap shots of March. In the last month we had fun in the snow, and enjoyed sunny 68 degree weather in the back yard...All in the same month. As for a little update...

Bohdan-After his day of playing in the snow Bohdan has been a boot wear'in fool. He loves any and all boots. So in a few weeks he went from having no boots, to now having, 2 pairs of snow boots, a pair of yellow rain boots and to comeplete the collection a pair of brown cowboy boots from Nanma. Every night he has to pick a pair to wear to bed with his PJs. Right now, the boots of choice are Brians very large duck boots! too cute. Bohdan also loves riding his scooters and bikes outside with his helmate on.

Audrey-teeth 5 and 6 are in! She is now the proud owner of 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth. She still loves to watch the Wiggles and Praise Baby. She is now 9.5 months old and is ALMOST crawing. She can get all over the room, but not by crawing...yet, but any day now. Audrey also got a pair of PINK cowGIRL boots...she isn't into them as much as Bohdan is. Audrey loves bath time, if she can have a bath all to herself.

"Curly Sue"-Our foster daughter is doing well and enjoying getting to know new friends at church and loves playing with Audrey. She often pretends to be a mommy to her baby dolls. She is getting to know her new adoptive mother and sister and we hope to have her move in with them in the nezxt month or two.

Brian-working hard at NorthBay, like always. Bri has been given the task of running NorthBay family camp and is getting ready for summer camp already, not to mention all the weekend groups from now-the start of summer.

Me-I am teaching the fostering PRIDE class in Cecil county right now and enjoying it very much. Other then that I've filled the days in March with being a mommy of a 3 year old, 2 year old and a 9 month old...wow...lots of work!

My sister Kelly has asked me to be better about blogging and so to her I say I will do my best. She is really great about her blogging. You should check her bolg out sometime!


Brian said...

Erin you are such a great photographer! I wish I was better at taking pics so you could be in some good ones too.

Diane Roumeliotis said...

So sweet ,Erin, thanks for the blog. I always like catching up on what you all are doing.Pictures are adorable.

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