"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Audrey at 10 months

Our little girl is SO smart…and is getting crafty!

Audrey Rose is now 10 months 3 weeks old. She has about 10 words,these words include…
Daddy, mama, meow, B, I, E, bible, ut-oh, wow, hi, bye, Boh, Audrey, and lots of sounds

And she repeats SO MANY words…

She loves to sing the song…B-I-B-L-E…you know the one…”yes that’s the book for me…I stand alone on the word of God, the B-I-B-L-E…BIBLE!” We started teaching the song to the 3 year olds, but low and behold out the words came…with a big BIBLE at the end of the song! For those of you reading this in a different country, this is a song we teach children. It is a song about the Bible, the book that teaches about Jesus. So yes Audrey sings this, It is SO cute! Now whenever she hears music, she starts going, “B I B I B….BIBLE!” SO CUTE!

The other day we were walking around the craft store the and she was saying “hi” or “bye” and waving to everyone we saw and singing her song the whole time. I’ve tried to tell her to learn a new song…but it’s the one she likes…

So that’s the smart side…heres the crafty side…

Today Audrey found the dog bowls-oh man. We have them under a desk. You can see this in the picture were Bohdan is feeding the dog (Cana)…one of his daily tasks. Anyway, she has been told many times today to stop playing with the dishes, which are filled with food, which she wants to eat and water that she wants to play in. Now Audrey totally understands the word NO…and will listen…most of the time… about half way through the day she started needing her hand slapped for not listening…so I’m sitting at the table working, thinking to myself…well look at that, she is being so obedient! I think she is crawling around the kitchen, playing with toys. I get up and find that she has gone around the side of the desk and was reaching under it to get to the bowl from that direction…where I couldn’t see her!
…once she saw me there…she smiled and stopped. You could just see her thinking…”what water bowl mom? Aren’t I so cute…?”
YEAH…too cute!


Unknown said...

gotta applaud her efforts. a woman after my own heart. :)

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