"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Logan's Adoption day! May 6th 2009

Blog written with the permission of Logan and his family.

Yesterday I was given the opportunity to sit and watch Logan offically be adopted into his FOREVER FAMILY! Oh what joy filled my heart as the judge said all was done...Logan was home...where he belongs, where he has always belonged.

For those of you who never met our Logan; he lived with us for a year of his life, the first year-basically. We first met Logan as a tiny little 4 month old. He quietly slept, all swaddled up in blankets and laid in a crib inside a dark room in Union hospital in Cecil Co. MD. When we met him, he was hardly able to drink from a bottle, barly able to hold up his head while on him tummy, with medical issues and deep routed pscological effect I thought might never change...but very slowly Logan started to become more and more like a normal baby. He went from not knowing how to let us hold him to never wanting to be put down. From not knowing what to do with a bottle, to eating, and eating and eating...thus he went from a baby WAY TOO SMALL...to just the right size. His health issues became less and less and today he is a totally healthy boy, and he is emotionally right on target!

He and Bohdan became like brothers, spending all their time together. Sharing a room, sharing toys, sippy cups, baths...you name it! Logan went with us to the beach, to Boston, Philly, and everywhere else we went. He was with us for holidays, including, Easter, his birthday (complete with a party!), holloween (he was a hersey kiss), Thanksgiving and Christmas...and all the ones in between. He became a part of our family! He was there when we found out that we were having our baby girl Audrey and as we welcomed in and said good-bye to other foster children.

During this time we went to MANY doctor visits. At our doctors office there was one very nice and kind CNA, with a spark in her eye...little did we know that that sparkel was the look of a mother smiling at her son. we might not have known...but the Lord did! he had SUCH A BIG PLAN! Vicky that CNA, who has become a dear friend of mine was able to get to know Logan through out the whole year he was at our house. We often talked about fostering and how she felt called to be apart of foster care...she often expressed how Logan and his siblings had such a special place in her heart...but why...Well the Lord was preparing her...and me.

About the same time we got pregnant we were also asked to adopt Logan ourselves. At first we said YES YES YES...but slowly, the Lord showed me that I was not Logan's mother, but Vicky was! And she was also the right mother for his older sliblings. So we made a hard call to DSS...and let them know, we would not be adopting Logan and that we would like Vicky to be the family to adopt all of them and DSS agreed. God blessed this and indeed the plan was made changed...all 3 children would go to Vicky and Tom.

We started a 2.5 month long transition for Logan moving from our house to theirs. It was hard on all of us...but it was SO right! At the same time, our dear friends and fellow foster parents, Pat and Rich were doing the same bitter sweet process with Jesse and Chelsey, Logans older brother and sister.

Then on a cold afternoon in mid January, 2008, we met Vicky and said good-bye to our Logy Bear for the last time. I cannot express to you how hard that was, but as hard as it was, it was one of the BEST moments of my LIFE. I was able to hand a mother her SON. A child a loved and cared for, for a year...a baby, that came to be after being so close to deaths door, and was now a vibrant little boy ready to take off. I would do it 100x over. It was worth every moment of the journey, good, hard, happy and sad moments...all worth it!

Now after a year and 4 months...of yes, ups and downs, after a handful of court hearings, FIMs, mediations, visits from workers, agreements...and more...Logan is FINALLY in his FOREVER family...oficially theirs...forever...no one can change it now. And although he will still see the special woman who gave him life, his FIRST mother (once a year), and he still will see Brian and I, who are still mom and dad by name only to him...he has finally found his MOMMY and DADDY! I love our Logy Bear So much, he will ALWAYS be my baby, he will always have a home here...but I love Vicky's SON LOGAN even better!

Yesterday was a GOOD DAY!

I hope you enjoyed the slide show (aboev) from yesterday of the court hearing. Below is a slide show of our year with Logan.


Melissa said...

thanks for sharing. it was nice to read the perspective of a foster family. Ty's family had him for almost 18 months and when we took him, it felt like we were kidnapping their child. i pray that they are able to have the same perspective as you guys.


Grammy said...

Oh gosh, I don't even know where to begin. What wonderful work you are doing for the Lord. Such a trip down memory lane with the pictures of his year with you. I was sad when Logy left your family, but God had another plan for him. I'm so happy is with his siblings and has a permanent family who love him! He looks so grown up in the current pictures!

Tina L. said...

Reading Logan's adoption story through your heart brought me tears of joy. You and Brian had such a huge role in his life and it's because of that, that Logan was able to catch up and thrive. THANK YOU for being such a loving, giving, and nurturing foster parent and mommy. I appreciate what you've done for Logan and I'm just soooo grateful for such a happy ending AND beginning all in the same day.
Love You,

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