"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

In memory of Mary

A year ago one of my mother's dearest friends went home to be with her sweet Jesus. Although we miss her so much, we are so happy for her...we know that she is dancing at the feet of her Lord and savior. One day I know I will join her; what a wonderful day that will be. Until that day when I can see Mary again, I will hold on to the memory of this courageous woman. I will remember the things she taught me and try to emulate the things I admired so much about her. I told Mary many many years ago that I admired her ZEST for life...and that I wanted to be able to be like her in that way, little did I know that I would actually admire her ZEST in death even more. She truly turned her darkness and pain into PRAISE for the Jesus she loved so much. I'm not sure I could have had the same heart that she did while her life came to an end, but I pray as I grown in wisdom that I can become more like Christ and more like Mary, a woman who loved the Lord so much.

Here is a picture of Mary, my mom, and Bohdan...her godson. This picture is taken about a year ago.


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