"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Day 9 and 10

Okay I missed yesterday, but I am back today.

Day 9-Bohdan greatly enjoyed opening up his new...LIGHTING MC-QUEEN light up key chain! He liked it right away, but when he saw the headlights worked it was even more exciting!

Day 10-Today Bohdan wanted to open up his gift all by himself, so we let him go over to his table to open it all alone. He did let his baby sister in to watch and I had to stay behind him to take pictures...but he did open and enjoy his wooden people. He liked showing his daddy where the eyes and nose and mouth...you get where I am going...where all those things were on the little people...by that I do not mean the PC way to say midget, I just for some reason do not want to write wooden doll...but you know what...IT IS A DOLL...and I like'em and Bohdan likes'em, heck we all like'em. So today he got 2 wooden dolls. Brian asked him if they were "grammy and grampy" which is what he calls Brian's parents, and he said yes. How cute is that! Well, I look forward to letting you see what we open tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

That's so cute!! It looks like Grammy has her Uggs on!!

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