"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

Tonight we decorated our Christmas tree...Audrey's very first tree trimming. Bohdan did great. He was really into putting on the ornaments and putting them exactly where he wanted them. Of course he is a little particular and if it failed to be just where he wanted it, much stressed ensued. BUT with a little help from mom and dad they found their perfect spot. Of course we found another perfect spot for a few of them after Boh was finished. We left a lot where he put them, but there was a few perfect spots that were so perfect that there were about 3 ornaments on one little spot. HAHA so cute. Well when all the perfect spots were taken it was time for the star atop the tree. Bohdan tried at first but dropped the star, then we realized the top needed some actual trimming to fit the star on it, so after two tries, it went well the 3rd time. Enjoy the video of putting the star on the tree take 3.

Also tonight's events included opening up DAY 8 on the advent calendar. Well they can't all be winners, right? Tonight was a Rudolph red blinky nose. I am not sure why but Bohdan who has LOVED every gift so far, was not too into the nose. He thought it was kind of funny to see it on mommy and daddy...even Cana...much to her dismay. So we got out the light up ball from yesterday and it was all good and there was fun to be had! I will add a few pictures of us trying to make the nose fun...which was well worth the effort because it was fun to see. So I will keep you up to date with day 9.


Anonymous said...

And all the perfects spots are usually right at their eye level, haha!! So adorable!!!

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