"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

SNAKES!!!! a Curly Sue story

Our foster daughter is 3 years old and as cute as a button. She enjoys playing with all the new toys she has at our house and most of all she enjoyes trying to help be a mommy for baby Audrey. She walks all over the house with her dolly on her hip and my old cell phone on her ear "talking" it makes me think maybe I talk on the phone too much...lol. She also loves to play with Bohdan who is ALMOST 3 years old as well and so play time can get a little rough.

Curly Sue is all girl! She LOVES wearing pretty clothing and if it has sparkles or jems on it...all the better. She always wants to have a bow in her hair and play dress up. She can still play hard outside and is okay with getting a little dirty, but she HATES spiders, most bugs and snakes...A LOT!

Yesterday she and Boh played outside for most of the day. It was a little wet, but they were having a blast. At one point she tipped over the kids basketball net to find lots of little worms under it. At this point she has terror in her eyes, and I have never seen a child move so fast. Her goal was to get inside as quickly as she could, however she is also one of the most clumsy child I have ever met. So in the process on getting in the house she fell twice, and ran into a chair. As badly as i felt that she was so scared it was really very funny to watch...since all this time she is also SCREAMING, SNAKES! SNAKES! SNAKES!

it took me a while to have her show me where she THOUGHT a snake might be, which made me laugh since it was only at that point that I realized she was seeing worms. I tried to talk to her about worms and that those are what fish and birdies eat...yadda yadda...she was not too sure I was right. In fact for a while she ever did everything humanly possible to play outside as far away from the snake-worms as she could...I finally did hold her hand and make her get closer and check the little guys out, I still think she thinks I really don't know what I am talking about.

To add to the moment, Bohdan who is as much a boy as she is a girl, is checking out the worms and ALMOST touching them, as she is saying, "NO BOHDAN, NO, SNAKES!"


Unknown said...

indiana jones hates snakes too...and maybe worms. Drew won't get near them either, but he points them out to me to catch to give to Casey.

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