"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

The Sauce is Really Boss

Last night we let Audrey have at it with her first meal of Spaghetti and meat sauce. Lets just say she loved it. Bohdan, Brian and I enjoyed our share too, but Audrey was in love! I gave her more then I thought she would even come close to eating, but she actually did really well getting most of it in...or in her lap.

After dinner was all over we took the left overs from her tray, which she was not was not to happy about...but it was okay because once we took off the tray there was some more right there in her lap and she helped herself to that too. She was like, "Oh look, there's more yummy...yummm..."

As we were looking at all the sauce damage Bohdan sat in her noddle filled seat and well you can see what happened in the pictures!

So then we were up stairs to a much needed bath for Auds. Then she was all clean and ready for bed. The last few pictures Brian added in here to show you what Audrey does every time he holds her and she sees me...Poor daddy!


Unknown said...

you are a brave soul. like the picture of boh gazing at auds. like the camp reference.

Grammy said...

Ha ha! Spaghetti face & spaghetti butt! What a pair! So cute. I also love that picture of Boh & Auds.

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