"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

beep once if you feel bad for me

So Audrey has been on the brink of rolling over for a few days. Today she woke up ready to take this step (or roll)toward becoming a...a...an older and wiser baby, one who can see the world from two angles...her back and her tummy. Anyway, so I could just tell it was going to be today...I just new it! So I had my digital camera ready all day. I even had it in hand recording to catch this moment forever. BUT no...she would get right to the brink of the roll, then...no go. She started to get tired and I laid her down. A few hours later I heard her whine so i got up to get her...and what did I find...an older and wiser baby! SHE DID IT! No camera, no mommy, no daddy or Bohdan, just little Audrey.

I tried to call Brian to tell him but he is drving a boat all day for NorthBay and doesn't bring his cell on with him. Then I called my mother and father, who didn't answer, THEN I tried my sister Megan, who I was remembering, was going to be out all day today, but I thought well I will give it a shot, to no avail...I settled for calling my sister Kelly who currently can't utter a word! Now I say settled like I wouldn't have wanted to call her which is NOT the case, but it was very anti-climatic when I told the story then had to follow it up with a, "beep once if you feel bad for me." She did beep once. I could hear her snicker as she did...I have called her a few times this week and spoken through code like that, or through her husband Mark as she writes on a board and he reads it...of course he thinks it is really funny to add lines into what she is trying to say. I am not sure she thinks it is as funny as he does. ANYWAY, so I would have called Brian's family to tell all them about it, but I think he will want to do that. So Brian's family if you are reading this first ask suprised! jk!

So since the time that Audrey woke up and now, which has been roughly an hour, she has rolled over 2x. Still not while I have the camera on her. Now she needs to learn to enjoy life on her tummy. I have had to rescue her each time. She is now rocking back and forth on the ground and playing with her feet. She is making raspberry sounds and cracking herself up,then looking at me as if to say, "mama, is't this so fun!" Life is great with a baby and a toddler!


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