"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

So You Think You Can Dance

Monday night my sister Kelly and I got to go see So You Think You Can Dance Tour. The Show was great, but let me start from the begining.

My sister and I were born 3 years and 363 days apart, thus we celebrate our birthdays together on Oct. 2nd (yours truly) and Oct. 4th. For the past two years our dear ol' husbands have gotten us tickets to one of favortite dance shows while they are on tour. Thats right, SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!!!!! And although my favorite dancer didn't win this year (Will), I still loved the show til the very end, AND I got to see Will in the tour show, so alls well.

So...Monday was the night of the show. Kelly was due to meet me by 5:30pm for our 7:30pm show in Baltimore. I got a call earlier that day asking to show the house at 5:30 so we changed plans and met for a quick dinner at Subworks. Keep in mind that this is all a week after Kelly's surgery. Now she has been on total vocal rest all week long with our uttering a single word, but has now been liberated to speeking for 1 min. every ten min.s. You can do the math. So we meet for dinner then left by 6pm, for a 52 min. drive to the parking garage. Smooth sailing all the way there and I kid you not, with 3 min.s left in our trip we hit a traffic jam. It takes us a good 40 min.s to get what should have taken 3. Did I mention oh funny it is to see someone who cannot talk get frustrated? She made up a very expressive sign for "go go go" Nothing volger mind you.

We finally make it to the garage and we had to have been in the last 20 or so cars able to get into the place...we went all the way to the 7th (top) floor before we managed to get one a the last spots. We parked, got Audrey (yes Audrey who is still breast feeding) out, then DASHED to the arena...only to find we were up 2 flights of stairs...also Kelly is unable to lift more then 10 lb.s so Audrey was with me 100% of the time (since she weighted 10lb.s at like 2-4weeks old). We found our section and went another flight up to our seats. We only missed one dance...after I cought my breath and let my heart return to a normal resting beat it was awesome...and even before that it was great.

The dancers were so good and if you look past the corny humor it was all in all a terrific show! Most of our favortite dances were performed and they each did a solo dance. Audrey did super, no crying, a little whine hear or there and even slept for the last 30-40 min.s dispite the music getting up to 120 desables (same as a jet engine).

Kelly and I left during the last dance so we could "beat the crowds" Which we did for the most part, until we got to the elavator in the garage. Remember we are on the 7th floor, so it was worth the wait to ride it up there. We finally got in and wouldn't you know it at the 6th floor it went back down...the the 2nd floor...and stayed there! We got out and went to the 7th floor by foot...up 5 flights of stairs...with a 17 1/2 lb. baby on board! We get to the car only to THEN be stuck in there for a good 40 min.s waiting our turn to get out. So I nursed Audrey and talked and talked and talked, since Kelly could only talk a min. here and there (or write on her board). Actually I talked so much on the ride there, waiting and the ride back...I was horse when I got home.

Bottom line...I did love the night AND between last year and this year this is what we have learned about the night and will be keep in mind for next year...
1-Invite Megan to come...not as much fun without her.
2-Wear good walking shoes even if they do not look as cute with the trendy outfit one MUST wear to a show like this (am I getting old?)
3-give yourself A LOT more time then needed to get there, as it might take you 40 min.s to get 4 blocks.
4-if at all possible leave all babies at home, although they are very cute, it would be more fun to have a girls night without drool running down your arm.

Hope Brian keeps it coming, What a great birthday gift, THANKS BRIAN!!!!


Unknown said...

Your post about the show is a ton better than mine. But, I did include a couple pictures---even if they are teeny. Bravo on the description of the night.

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