"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Rome wasn't Potty Trained in a Day

Well we are on week two of potty training, and it is not going too badly. A few accidents here and there, some missing the...should I say target...lots of m&m's given out for even trying.

Bohdan is getting smart...you see he knows that if he says, "paaaaa" we stop everything and run him to the the potty to go. So now when he gets in trouble or gets put into timeout he starts saying "paaa paaa paaa" which worked for him the first few times...but not anymore. The problem is he still does go while he is in timeout, whether or not he is on the potty...not sure what that's about. Of course each time I change a wet (or dry) pull up, he says, "uh-oh...oh Boh." Which is so cute...I realized after he kept saying that, it is what we were saying everytime it was wet.

Bottom line is this...he is doing well. We are not laying it on thick, just taking it day by day. Some days are good some are...not. He is getting better. This week is better then last.

FYI-the picture is from Tara and Dave's wedding. I know, it is a really nice picture for a post about potty training, but I love it...he is so handsome!


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