"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

I Love a Parade

Today the Hamson family froze our patooties off sitting on Main Street in North East, Maryland for the annual North East Christmas parade. It was so much fun. Bohdan LOVED every minute of it. He said hi to everyone that passed...the cars, the band members, the fire trucks, the dogs...EVERYTHING! Even people passing by...saying hi, and givin'em a wave. Bohdan's favorite thing was all the motorcycles that the Nur Shrinners drove (that is what they're called right?), Brian's favorite was one in particular with a BIG FAT back wheel. Look for it in the slide show. It was cool, but my fav was this teeny tiny dog dressed like Santa, you can see it in one of the pictures on the left hand side. Audrey didn't have a favorite since unlike all of us, she was toasty warm and slept most the time. The parade really was great. We even had a friend Zack in it. You can see him too. He is playing the drums. The Parade ended with jolly ol'Saint Nick on his sleigh. So fun...so cold...but so fun!


Unknown said...

Wish they'd talk to Phoenixville about our Xmas parade. Ours is a bit lame.

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