"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

It's Party time!

The Cecil Co. foster families all decked the halls tonight as we visited with each other and SANTA HIMSELF! It was great to see many of the families and their kids. But we were most excited to see our little Logan baby! Well OUR Logan baby is now my good friend Vicki's Logan boy...he is SO big now! He is talking and doing so much. As much as I miss him, I am OVERJOYED to see him with his new family. He has such a great new mommy and daddy, and loved his big brother and 2 big sisters. Bohdan and him are the best of friends. The two of them started dancing tonight, it was so cute. Bohdan and Audrey both got to sit on Santa's lap and each got a toy from him. Bohdan was not too into the big guy, but Audrey seemed to be okay with the whole idea. She was so cute. She had the sweetest little red dress on. Everyone wanted to talk to her and hold her, but she is starting to have a lot of stranger anxiety, so mommy had to stay close. Enjoy the pics.


Unknown said...

where are pics of Logan?

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures...the children look adorable in their little holiday outfits. That was nice to hear about Logan. I often think of him...and what a cutie he is.
Auntie Diane

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