"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

New school and Santa in one day!

Yesterday we visited Bohdan’s preschool he will attend in April and then were visited by Santa at home.
Bohdan will attend Bainbridge Elem. 3 year old pre-school starting April 18th 2009. So we went and had our first of a handful of meetings to develop an IEP from our current IFSP.
The school is cute with a train theme throughout the whole school. There is even a real model train in the cafeteria, and a ticket window in the front hall. We visited his new room and met the teacher and some of the am class. Bohdan was a little taken back at first but didn’t want to leave when it was time, which I think is a good sign.
Brian and I had a good laugh before going into the school. As we waited in the parking lot for it to be time to go to the meeting, many parents were bringing their young’ins to the ol’school yard, and well one feller walk’in in was wearing his coon skin cap, complete with a face and a tail. No really it was just like that. The funny thing was, right before we got there I said to Brian, after seeing the neighborhood the school was in, which is not ours, but the next one over, “wow, we are entering the deep south here.” Now I was joking at the time, but then here was ol’Davy Crocket! I am not sure it turned me off, or added to the charm of the school. I think it added to the charm.
last night at dinner time…we heard the sirens, heard the Christmas music, saw the lights…and then there he was, SANTA! Every year sometime the week before Christmas Santa and the Perryville fire dept. and a fleet of emergency personal and vehicles comes visiting down our street greeting every child and giving out candy canes. Not sure what would happen if an emergency call came in while they were doing this. Sorry kids Santa's gotta run, Merry Christmas.
Bohdan had such a fun time. Even waiting to see Santa was fun for him as he danced to the music the police car played over the loud speaker. Santa came up to our house riding the front of the engine, although in the picture it kind of looks like he got hit by the fire truck! It was finally our turn to visit with the old guy and Boh enjoyed shaking his hand and getting the candy. Audrey did too. We watched him and the emergency vehicles for a while before we went inside. Boh didn’t want to go inside so he stood at the window until he couldn’t see the lights flashing or hear the music anymore. After it was all over Bohdan returned to his grilled cheese and milk.


Anonymous said...

Such a big boy, going to preschool! Adorable pictures, we can't wait to see them!!!

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