"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Days 15-18

Days 15-18

On day 15 Bohdan opened…a brand new pair of sunglasses and a cross necklace. Okay okay, so he already opened that once before, but in defense of my mother, she has to find 24 gifts for 7 children…not an easy task. Not to mention, that I fit into kid glasses and have already worn one of Bohdan’s glasses.

On Day 16 Bohdan opened a small magnetic bear toy. Okay this was a fun one! For some reason Bohdan came up with his, “trick” which is him holding the bear in his hand where we can see it then very quickly throwing it behind him…it might be more of a flicking it behind him, then showing you his empty hand…then laughing VERY hard, until you laugh with him. We have also discovered that Bohdan clearly has a fake laugh, which in itself is very funny.

On Day 17 Bohdan opened up the best gift so far…even better then the jumping frog…I mean, really, can you believe it…better then the jumping frog????? What ever can it be???? Well it is a wide-up rollie pollie bug that, get this, flips over. Bohdan just about flipped over when he saw it! It was so fun to watch and he was so cute laughing SO HARD at it that we HAD to call my mom, who in turn HAD to get my dad on the phone. We did it over and over and he laughed and laughed…SO FUN!

On day 18 Bohdan opened a “nerf like” rocket. It has a rubber band type thing inside it and is meant to stretch it and send it flying, but it is a little hard to get going so Bohdan found other fun ways to play with it

6 more gifts to open, Oh boy.


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