"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Bohdan Update

Well Bohdan is every bit 2 years old...I am looking forward to 3...not sure if he will realize he is 3 years old and that the terrible 2s should be over, but one can hope. Most of the time Bohdan is a very highly energized child with a sweet little smile and ready to try everything on his own. The idea that he can do it all by himself is new and although it can be hard on ALL of us...we also welcome the chance to give Boh a chance to grow up some and learn to do things for himself.

He is still learning to use the potty and the process is slowly moving forward but we are getting there...I think.

He LOVES going to Port Discovery were we now have a family membership to. I will write more about PD soon.

Bohdan's new love is ... get this...flags...any and all...he can spot them ANYWHERE and he wants you to spot them too, and he can tell if you are faking it! he even sleeps with a flag!

Bohdan is doing well learning to sign. He can say a lot of things with sign, but some of the more frequently used words are...hurt, food, snack, home, thank you, shoe, sock, bath, milk, juice, more, all done, leaf, and a lot more...we are learning emotions right now. Curly Sue and Audrey are learning right long side of him!

Bohdan's speech is also moving forward...slowly but surly. He is now in speech 3 days a week and Pt and OT every other week. He will be going to school for speech in April.

A few other things Bohdan enjoys...playing with and loving on Audrey! Who equally loves it. He enjoys chocolate milk ANYTIME, watching Bunnytown on the Disney channel, dancing, his favorite time of day is when Brian gets home from work, feeding Audrey and teaching her sign, church nursery is super fun for him, bath time and looking for flags as we drive are also a favorite pass time. Favorite toys are his new race car track, his tools, and remote control police car and his fire truck too.


Melissa said...

Personally, I think it should be terrible 3's. They're much more mentally exhausting. Sounds like you guys have had your hands full!

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