"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Okay...so its been a long time!

I realize it has been a VERY LONG TIME since I blogged. I promise to get going again now that I have gotten back on here. Here is a quick little update on a few things that have happened in the month that you have not heard from us...
1-Christmas was AWESOME! We were blessed with many gifts from people who love us...and the time with family was great! We had an enjoyable Christmas eve and day. The day after christmas was so fun with a huge game of BINGO with some rounds being played as greed bingo...I won a lot...and even got the coveted backing dish at the end. And yes I even won the fake pastry but oddly enough Maddie wanted it so I gave it to her...not really going to miss it.
2-We welcomed 2 new foster children in our home soon after the new years. We can call them "curly sue" and "jabber jaw". Curly Sue is 3 years old and as of yesterday Jabber Jaw turned 4 years old. So for a time I had a 7 month old...and a 2.5 yr. old, 3 yr. old and a nearly 4 yr. old....I was going nuts! It wasn't too bad as compared to some homes I know with the same ages...but it was work to say the least. Jabber Jaw and Curly Sue will be adopted into different homes soon (both within the same family) so DSS was fine with having them in different homes now. So I am currently just caring for our two little ones and Curly Sue.
3-Audrey has some new things going on with her so does Bohdan, but I will send out a update blog on each of them later.
4-I am now a "floor superviser" for our churched nursery...which is actually a lot of work once a month though. I have really enjoyed it and have even made a handful of new friends through doing it!
5-My parents went to china again for a little while...and Brian's parents came here for a visit. I will also blog more about that later too!
So that is the last month in a nut shell. I will do MUCH better I promise!


Unknown said...

It had been so long I thought your blogging days were past. Glad to see you are back among the "normal" (i.e., not losing your mind). 2 hour late opening today! Fun treat for Ashlyn's birthday.

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