"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Hamson's Visit Port Discovery

For Christmas this year my grandmother “Gran” gave our family the “Family Delux” membership to Port Discovery in Baltimore. We have gone a few times and LOVE IT! There are a few exhibits that really stand out.
Water Works-Bohdan cannot get enough of this. It is a room full of water play areas. It is like a giant water play table. All the kids get rain coats and crocs…even Audrey gets a little bitty rain coat. They have a little booster seat for the babies to sit in so they can play too. You can build a damn, play drums with shooting water, build your own fountain and a lot more…Bohdan just lves it there! Before you leave, you get dried off with a blast of air from giant hoses and a warm light. This is also Brian’s favorite stop. He plays as much as the children there and I often find him playing with NO children around him…he gets really wet...haha!

Sensation Station-This is Audrey’s favorite! Lots of things for her to touch with different textures, things that light up, pillars of bubbles, books, baby toys, mirrors and a ball pit and play ground that Bohdan loves! This room is JUST for children 4 and under.

The Oasis-My favorite. JUST FOR PRESCHOOLERS (4 and under)! It is like a little class room. You can see Bohdan in the pictures painting a rock with water…he is in the Oasis.
there are a ton of books...like really a little library. There are stations all over the room. Activities for parents and chidlren to do together. There is a lot of pillows on teh floor for reading and there is circle time through out the day. NOT TO MENTION a little secret nook with a comfy couch that is the nursing station.

There are dress ups and imaginary play areas in lots of places, a huge playground (4 stories), a big pretend diner, you can visit the pharos’s tomb and much more …too much to write in this blog. You have to check out their web site.

Bottom line. WE LOVE IT! We get to go to the Please Touch Museum on Philly too. We haven’t been there yet but we hear it’s GREAT! What a wonderful gift from Gran!

The pictures were from our trip there with Grammy and Grampy! Grammy was a great sport the whole time, she went down the big slide, climbed the cargo net, even went down the little zip time with Brian…not sure her back enjoyed that trip. Grampy had fun too, despite feeling sick…he ate lots of food served to him in the dinner by chef Bohdan! We can’t wait for them to come back down and play with us there again.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! ;-) We had so much fun there! It's an awesome place for kids, so many things to see and do. I'd love to go again and try out the 3rd floor slide!!

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