"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

peek-a-boo I see you

Audrey has officially made it to the peek-a-boo stage. She is so sweet when she wants to play. The other day she was holding it blanket up and waiting until she heard me say, “Where’s Audrey?” Sometimes she pulls the blanket down as soon as she hears, “wh…” and just smiles SO BIG and giggles…oh my gosh, does it get any cuter then that. I thought not…until today when in the car I looked back and she was playing peek-a-boo with her own reflection in the infant mirror. There she was with her favorite blankie holding it up in front of herself then, dropping it down…oh and that smile.

Yesterday Audrey went to the doctor for her 6 month well baby check. She is a growing girl, weighing in at 18lb.s 5oz. She is in the 90% for weight, height, and head circumference. She has a strawberry something or other on her back right shoulder, but they say it’s nothing big. Her eye is still bad, poor girl, but we see the eye doctor again in January. She will most likely have to have the minor to open her tear duct up.

Other news on the Audrey front…she is almost ready to sit up. She still HATES tummy time, and she is learning to eat read food. She has had rice cereal, peas, squash, and carrots. She HAS to hold one spoon while the feeder uses another to feed her. What a kook!


Unknown said...

love the up close face picture--frame that one.

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