"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Days 19-22

Day 19- Today Bohdan opened up a Fun yellow toy are and cool beaded bracelet. He enjoyed the car and added it to his ever growing car collection and the bracelet was fun too, until he played with it a little too hard and well, lets just say we had to use the vacuum.

Day 20-Boh opened what we thought would be another huge hit…it was…a toy panda that is able to walk, or waddle, after winding it up. Well either user error, or somewhere between here and China, things went wrong. So it is now a non-waddling panda toy. Still fun to open!

Day 21-Bohdan can now wet his whistle with a small rubber made sippy cup.

Day 22- OKAY…really this might be the best gift of all. It is actually Olympic memorabilia. If you recall the games you might remember the trained fans in the bleachers. The wore yellow shirts and excitedly cheered with red blow up tubes. Well now Bohdan is the proud and VERY happy owner of two of those tubes. He has found many more uses for them, including, swords, hammers, clapping them together, throwing them…just to name a few. And oh the laughter! We had to web cam my parents just to have them see him enjoy the gift so much! Super cute!


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