"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." -Hudson Taylor

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."        -Hudson Taylor
Brian, Erin, Bohdan and Audrey and Lake Champion Family Camp 2008

Deck the dinning halls

This past Friday night Brian took me and the kids to NorthBays big staff Christmas party. Brian got home late from work from no fault of his own. So we rushed off to get there but no harm, the apps were still out and we ate well…only to eat well again over dinner. To be honest they had a great desserts too but I had no room left. Not sure about Brian…I think he passed on them too. Brian spent most of his time dancing with our little party animal, aka, Bohdan. He is just a dancing machine! He even got to get down with some of the pretty ladies of NorthBay…which we knew all of them, so mom was okay with it. He enjoyed dancing with Brian and some of our friends kids too…and the girls. There was a live band there, actually it was NorthBay’s house band. They did a great job and there was a full dance floor far past the time the Hamson’s called it a night. Audrey fell asleep despite the VERY loud music, which amazed everyone, even me. People kept peeking at her to see if she was really sleeping through everything, and indeed she was. But that wasn’t before she made all the boys swoon over her in her fancy outfit! She was a hit, and she even tried her first little nibble of bread…and LOVED it!

I spent a lot of my night mingling with people and talking to my friend Karen R. Her husband was in the band (the blond-Kris “Raser”), and since Brian was cutt’in a rug, I spent most of my time with her.

It was a fun night seeing lots of people for the holidays. The fun was mixed with some sadness though, there were a few friends that should have been there, and were not, as well as two sad good-byes to Phil and Leah. Phil is moving on to pastor a church in Baltimore, and Leah is moving closer to her home sweet home (TX).

Brian was given his holiday gift, a sweatshirt, but he didn’t get in the room to pick it up soon enough and they were all out of his size in the guys colors, so, I got a nice new sweatshirt…maybe.


Unknown said...

seriously...i don't know if i've ever seen Boh so happy!

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